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looking for legends

Slide Decks and Sasquatch

Hi I'm Nathan. I'm a fundraising strategist and outdoorsman living on a small farm in British Columbia. I help early-stage companies craft legendary pitch decks that get nearly mythical valuations (mythical like unicorns not mythical like Enron).

Nathan Headshot.png


Total I've helped raise by creating legendary pitch far


Typical client revenue range. I've built seed, series A, and series B/C decks


Number of decks I've built. I've thrown out more decks than most people will build


Years of executive experience. Co-Founder, Chief Strategy Officer, CMO, cheerleader

It all started when I co-founded Bomgar (now BeyondTrust) in 2003 before my prefontal cortex was fully developed. I foolishly built our first pitch deck in Flash but we still raised a million dollars. Then as Bomgar's Chief Strategy Officer, I helped position our products and company to sell enterprise clients raise another $19M and grow the company to $50M in revenue. Then I pitched the company to a successful exit in 2014. BeyondTrust now employs 1,500 people and has become a legend - or at least a unicorn: it's valued at over a billion.

Since then, I've helped entrepreneurs in technology, nonprofit, politics, and even a startup city craft amazing positioning used to raise over $150M. Most of the time, I was working in both a strategic and operational role, building product positioning and executing go to market strategy while I was helping raise money. 

case studies

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Anchor 2

The legend is out there.
Just got to keep looking

When I'm not working with founders, I'm often a hundred miles from nowhere in the British Columbia backcountry on a Search and Rescue call-out, jet boating up a remote river, hiking a new ridgeline, running a trail, or on one of three types of skis. Legend has it that sasquatch live in these mountains and at this rate, I'm sure to spot one.

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